• What is your availability?

    We are available from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Also you can order us for producing specific shots (twilight or evening shots). At the weekend you can request our services for additional fee depending on availability.

    What area do you cover?

    We are operating in Greater London, West London, Surrey, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire.

    Do you charge for key collection?

    If the travel distance exceeds 5 miles radius and is below 10 miles radius of the home owner’s address or the agent’s office, there will be an extra charge of £20+VAT, and if it exceeds 10 miles will be charged at £35+VAT.

    How do I place an order?

    We accept bookings through our online booking system. But if you some issues with online booking, don’t hesitate to contact us through or +44 7720 308297.

    How will I know when my job is booked?

    Once you completed an online booking you will receive a confirmation email. Our team will be in touch with you shortly to discuss all the details. Also you will get a reminder email 24 hours prior to the appointment time.

    When can I get my order ready?

    Most of our services are ready within 1 working day. In some cases such as Premium Video or HMO Floor Plan it might take us up to 2-3 working days to complete your order.

    How do I receive my order?

    You will receive your order when all the materials of the job are ready, with a Google Drive or Webtransfer link where you can download your files.

    When and how can I make a payment?

    Clients will be invoiced at the same time of the delivery or two weeks after and payments will be due within 5 working days. You can make a payment using bank transfer or by clicking the link on your invoice or by calling us. Also there is an option of paying on-site by card for one-off orders.

  • How do I cancel or reschedule an order?

    If you want to cancel or reschedule your order, you can follow the link placed in your confirmation email after the booking. All bookings can be cancelled or rescheduled free of charge up to 24 hours before your appointment starting time.

    If the booking has to be cancelled or rescheduled within 24 hours of the appointment starting time a £35+VAT cancellation fee will be added to your bill.

  • How long does it take to make the property photos?

    The property photos can be taken around 30 minutes to 1 hour. This varies depending on the size of the property and the other services.

    Could any personal and family photographs be blurred after the editing?

    Yes, personal and family photos will be blurred in final photos according to the GDPR requirements.

    Could I select the images needed to be edited?

    Of course, you can ask our photographer on site, or write us a note when making a booking that you want to select your own images. After we are notified, we will send you a Google Drive of Webtransfer link with the raw files. Then you will need to send us the selected photos. But notice that this can make some delays to complete your full order.

    Could you take photos of the property at sunset or in the evening?

    Of course, we offer twilight or night photoshoots upon request.

  • When can I receive my floor plan?

    Usually we send the final floor plans the next working day. However, HMO Floor Plans or 3D Floor Plans might take 2-3 working days.

    If my property is bigger than 2000 sq ft., will I be charged more?

    Yes, we cover 2000 sq ft for our base price, so any additional square feet will be charged at £0.03+VAT.

    Are your plans drawn in accordance with RICS?

    Of course, all our floor plans are drawn in accordance with the latest Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) measuring guidelines.

    Could you produce floor plans in different formats?

    Usually we provide our floor plans in JPG or PDF format. Also you can choose some additional file types. These formats can be as following: JPG, PDF, GIF, TIF, PNG, WMF, FCW, DWG, DXF, and PSD.

    Could I request an amendment to the floor plan after it was delivered?

    Of course! It’s better for you to check the plan after receiving. If you want us to amend anything, please send us an. email to

  • What is an EPC and why do I need one?

    Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a legal document the purpose of which is to indicate how energy efficient a building is. The EPC is valid for 10 years and will determine efficiency rating from A to G. A is very efficient and G is the least efficient.

    Based on this, the better the rating, the more energy efficient the building is. If we talk about low rating, then this means that the fuel bills are likely to be high.

    EPC is a legal requirement when letting or selling the property.

    Who can produce an EPC Assessment?

    Only a registered domestic energy assessor can carry out and produce an EPC for a property.

    How can I check if a valid EPC already exists for my property?

    You can visit the official website by following this link.

    What information do you need before booking an EPC appointment?

    If you want to book an EPC appointment, we need some basic information about the full property address and approximate size. Also there is an important file with all the necessary requirements and information to help you prepare for the assessment.

    What happens during an EPC appointment?

    Firstly, the Energy Assessor explains all the necessary plan of actions needed to conduct an EPC (checking the boiler, electric gas meter, measuring insulation etc). Also Assessor will ask any required documents such as FENSA certificate, insulation warranty or other documents to provide a documentary evidence of property insulation.

    Assessor takes photographic evidence for audit purposes, so he needs to have access to every room and the loft (if its possible).

    What makes an impact on my EPC rating?

    Several things have a significant impact on an EPC rating. These are lighting, windows, heating, insulation. Based on legal requirements, the energy rating of a building is a complex calculation which is based on a combination of factors:

    • the type of building (i.e. flat, house or bungalow) and whether it is detached or not;

    • the age of the building;

    • the number of habitable rooms (excluding kitchens, bathroom hallways, stairs and landings);

    • extensions and their construction and rooms in the roof;

    • the dimensions of the building and the number of floors;

    • the amount and type of glazing (i.e. single or double glazing);

    • the material used to build the property (e.g. brick, stone, timber frame, etc.);

    • wall insulation;

    • roof construction (e.g. flat, pitched) and insulation;

    • the number of chimneys and open flues;

    • the heating systems and the type of fuel used.

    When and how will I get my EPC certificate?

    You will get the certificate within 24 hours after the appointment. Once the EPC is registered you will have the opportunity to view your EPC rating on the website.

  • Does the weather have an impact on drone photo & video?

    Drone services are likely to be affected by the weather as we cannot fly the drone in heavy wind, fog or rain because it effects drone’s performance and stability.

    Are there any areas you are not allowed to fly with a drone?

    Drone operations are prohibited in areas classified as “no-fly zones”. You can use this website to check if your location is suitable for our drone operation services.